Job Title
Name of Organisation
Telephone Number
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Type of Organisation
Charity / CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation)
CIC (Community Interest Company)
What is the name of your festival or event?
Dates of your Event/Festival (if exact dates are unknown, please include the regular month of the activity)
What is your approximate audience size?
Who is your intended audience?
How many staff members do you have?
Do you work with volunteers? If so, how many? (estimated annual figure)
Contact Name
Please provide a paragraph describing your activity and organisation for the Members Profile on
If your festival/event programme is confirmed for this year, please provide some copy for the listings area of the website
What membership band best describes your festival?
Large Festival/Event (Turnover - £500,001+)
Medium Festival/Event (Turnover - £150,001-£500,000)
Small Festival/Event (Turnover - £50,001-£150,000)
Community/Volunteer-run Festival/Event (Turnover - £0-£50,000)
Are there other members of your organisation that you would like to include in your membership? (They will receive their own invite to our forum meetings, Basecamp and participation in sector projects) Please list the Name / Job Title / Email Address
Like many organisations, we are taking steps to ensure we comply with General Data Protection Regulation. By signing up to become a member of Bristol Festivals you are consenting for us to hold this information in our secure database for the duration of your membership. We will use it to contact you about forum meetings and other matters relating directly to being a Bristol Festivals member.
Yes I consent to Bristol Festivals holding this information and using it to contact me about my membership.
We would also like to contact you to let you know about festival-sector news and opportunities. Please let us know if you are happy to be added to this mailing list. You may unsubscribe from this at anytime.
Yes please add me to the Bristol Festivals mailing list.
No please don't add me to this list.