Slapstick Festival

Festival Member
Bristol, UK

Slapstick Festival is a cultural, not-for-profit limited company bringing the best in silent and visual comedy to audiences with high quality screenings, talks and celebrity guest events.

The festival's aim is to keep silent, visual and classic onscreen comedy alive for future generations, through raising awareness, interest and appreciation of this unique art form, developing new audiences for archive cinema, and supporting the sustainability and development of silent film organisations, through screening well-known, rare and unique archive cinema to the film going public.

With a culture of innovation, branding and marketing, Slapstick Festival offer access to all sectors of the community by combining films with live music from world-class musicians, well-known guests and film experts to engage and build new audiences.

Since 2005 Slapstick has presented 14 editions of the festival in Bristol, hosting over 300 events for more than 100,000 people and introducing rare archive and silent comedy films to more and more diverse audiences.




Shindig Festival


Simple Things